Moss Agate

77 In stock
Moss Agate brings peace and stability to the emotional body. It also helps us to connect with the energy of the earth and the spirits of nature.
Size :

Moss Agate

One (1) stone


S: 2.5 cm, 8g

M: 3 cm, 15g

Note: The weight, size and color may vary slightly from the pictures.


Moss Agate Properties

Chakras: Root (1st), Heart (4th)

Stability, perseverance, grounding

Moss Agate helps us transform unhealthy tendencies and find the will to replace those habits. It supports us in the realization of our dreams and projects by helping us to strengthen our mental vision and to be persistent. It brings peace and stability to the emotional body, which can be very helpful for those who experience mood swings. It also helps us connect to the energy of the earth and the spirits of nature.